I have included penultimate versions of published work and full drafts when available. Papers in preparation are not available, but contact me with any questions about them.
"The Argument from Addition for No Best World," in Optimism and the Best Possible World. Justin Daeley, ed. Routledge. 2025. Download.
"Still Another Anti-Molinist Argument," TheoLogica. 2024. Download.
(with Eddy Keming Chen) "Evil and the Quantum Multiverse," Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Forthcoming. Download.
"In Defense of Qua-Christology," Religious Studies. 2024. Download.
"Intrinsically Good, God Created Them," Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion. 2024. Download.
"Another Model of the Open Future," International Journal of Philosophy of Religion. 2024. Download.
"Against the New Logical Argument from Evil," Religions. 2023. Download.
"Ideological Innocence," Synthese. 2022. Download.
(with Nevin Climenhaga) "Molinism: Explaining Our Freedom Away," Mind. 2022. Download.
"Death's Shadow Lightened." Non-being: New Essays in the Metaphysics of Nonexistence. Sara Bernstein and Tyron Goldschmidt, eds. Oxford: OUP. 2021. Download.
"In Defense of No Best World," Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 2020. Download.
(with Eddy Keming Chen) "Surreal Decisions," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 2020. Download.
"God Meets Satan's Apple," Philosophical Studies. 2018. Download.
(with Peter Vallentyne) "Infinity in Ethics." Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Recent Revision.
(with Eddy Keming Chen) "Great Expectations: Introducing Surreal Decision Theory." Proceedingsof the 5th International Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Interaction (LORI-V), Springer-Verlag, 2015. Download.
"Libertarian Free Will and Circumstantial Moral Luck." Southwest Philosophical Studies 35, 57-64. 2013. Download.
Review of Alexander Pruss, Infinity, Causation, and Paradox. Philosophical Review. 2021.
Review of Jeffrey Koperski, Divine Action, Determinism, and the Laws of Naure. Faith and Philosophy. 2021.
In Preparation​
The Trivalent Open Future: Answering Prior's Dilemma.
Ontic Overproduction.
Anselm's Other Theistic Proof.
Small Probabilities: When and How to Ignore Them.
Countable Sure-Thing vs. The Axiological Principal Principle.
(with Irem Kurtsel) Wholly Hole-y Holy.
(with Eddy Keming Chen) Surreal Decisions II.